
The services listed here are indicative. Other areas can be discussed.

Sales and Operations management

  • Alignment of key business processes. The company needs a agreed upon plan to better manage resources and meet customer demand.

Customer service assessment

  • The gap between customers’ expectation and perception can be identified with the Customer service gap analysis  developped by Prof. Zeithaml at MIT.

Supply Chain and Business Proces (re)design

  • The supply chain is mapped with SCOR methodology. The method allows for benchmarking and improvement of the internal and external supply chain.

Supplier reliationships and Procurement processes

  • Strategic suppier relationship management and well designed procurement processes for all  products and services. The purchase model of Kraljic and a procurement proces model aloow for a well structured working mehtod for managing procurement processes and SRM.

Change management

  • All improvement projects have to be managed from a change management perspective. Allow for employees to be hesitant to new ideas and use existig nowledge and skills. A combination of  sense making and modernistic approach is a succesfull method in dealing with change and implementing new processes.

Management of Human Assets

  • The human capital of an organization needs  to be managed to ensure the best match between knowledge and skills of candidates and market needs